Against the General Managment Plan

In July 2009 The Park completed a 10 year process of developing a General Management Plan.  All of the 4 options available to comment included the words “weekend only” for Hurricane Ridge winter access. 
Local and regional staff claimed that in the scoping and public comment period no one mentioned that access should be expanded more days. 
However, it is pretty clear that several comments did address more days.  These are the relevant excerpts from the Record of Decision of the GMP, and the GMP. 


Some relevant public comments in the GMP process:


“I believe every effort should be made to keep all existing roads open and maintained for public access… The Hurricane Ridge road alone should have year-round access, including every effort to keep it open during the winter months”


“A couple of issues that need to be addressed are better access to Hurricane Ridge and Deer Park during the winter months…road crews work on an as needed basis earlier in the week to stay ahead…”


“Having Hurricane Ridge open more often and more consistently would be a big plus to our business community” From the PA Chamber of Commerce, representing 250 local businesses.

Furthermore, when the  GMP scoping process there the road was open during the week on an "as weather and staffing allow" basis.


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