Waterhole Sign-in Log Books Highlights
Part 2: Books 4-5, 1982 to 1989
Selected historical notes and visitor comments compiled by Rod Farlee.
"Thanks for making this unique experience possible. Tony & gang 12-13-82"
"Wow! What a beautiful spot! To have a hut like this at the end of a yellow-blister-ski-in is a joy. That you Jack Hughes and the N.P.S. for a New Hampshireman this cabin is a beaut and what deep snow! Met two parties today coming in here - quite a popular place. Bill Bittle, Jan. 1, 1983"
"We just took a vote - 3 to 2 in favor of staying here until July. M A Leonard and party, Seattle, 1-2-83"
Steve Holm - 22 Jan '83
[note: Steve Holm in 1977 broke his femur and was treated and helo-evac'd at Waterhole by Dr. Sam Baker, volunteer John Wegmann, and ranger Jack Hughes.]
"Cabin clean and neat. Incredibly cozy. Dave Davies + Charlie Wiggins, Bainbridge Is. 2-26-83"
"This cabin is a superb idea. Linda Boring, 3/24/83"
"This cabin is wonderful. Thanks to all who keep it in such great shape. Christy Johnson, Seattle, March 27, 1983"
"Why aren't there more huts like this? Kelly Mason, Seattle"
"Thankful for such beautiful weather, bright moon, good friends & cozy cabin. Liese Clebsch & John Dean, 24 April 1983"
"This is a wonderful little hut. There should be more. Eric Schimscel, Port Angeles, May 1, '83"
"Nothing beats being warm and dry. Rachael Lavengood + Deb Willard, 12/18/83"
"Great little hut. We enjoyed the fire and the facilities. Kerry, Packer + Mary Holden 12/18/83"
"This is a great place to warm up and relax. Thanks guys. Rick Vanthoff, Joe Parr, Alan Hill, Gig Harbor, 1/1/84"
"Thanks for the hut. Make, David, Leann, Jerry, David, January 28, 1984"
"A warm stove to greet us! Thanks to Jack Hughes for keeping this up - Let us know when 'Hut 2' work begins! 2-18-84"
"Feb. 24, Ken Zeigler & Lance Coe spent the night via Grand Lake and then on to Deer Park. Will ski down Dr. Park Rd."
"I love this place! Pat Burkhardt 26 Feb '84"
"A dream come true! 3 days of snow and a stove to boot! Sean & Maria Sullivan, Berkeley Calif. 3-6-84"
"Great hospitality in this park. Thanks. 7 students from Anacortes High School, March 7 '84"
"We skied through wet concrete to arrive at this wonderful haven. Dave Freiband, Missoula MT, March 20"
"Wonderful home this hut has offered us. D. Freiband"
"Much appreciate the hospitality. Al McGuire, Seattle, 4/21/84"
"San Antonio, Texas 4/24/84"
"Cabin is warm and cozy. After spending a wet night on Hurricane Ridge w/a leaky tent, this is a paradise! Don & Lynda Mollick, Nov. 11 '84"
[Poem in Chinese and translation]
"Here by the campfire's flicker
deep in my blanket furled
I long for the peace of the pine-gloom
when world is speaking to world.
Sachio Ashida, 1/24/84"
"We are claiming the all-time record for number of sleepers in the hut - 9! This hut was a relief to my eyes & weary bones to ski up to! Reachout Expeditions, Winter Staff Training, 12/2/84"
"Finding this cabin really made the night. Everyone warm and happy. Steve Merritt"
"Was happy to have the hut to stay in last night. Pretty cozy arrangements with all 9 of us on the floor. Glenn Powell"
"Sure do appreciate a place like this when arriving in the dark! Thanks Jack! Sure do love Olympic N. Park! Bill Schaarschmidt"
"Great time here at the hut! This is awesome country + great skiing. I praise God for this warm place in the midst of this winter wonderland. Bruce 'Bronco' Hige"
"What a wonderful warm, dry place. Cindy Merritt"
"I tip my hat to Jack & the others who help maintain this hut. Craig Olson, Dec. 16 '84"
"Great hut. Fantastic. Bob Weyl & family, Dec. 23"
"Dec. 23. Alan Zachwieja. Great hut! Just like the good old days in the friendly back country, with a little bit of dry firewood and kindling, a bit of food, a few necessities for that late arrival or the 'almost emergency'. Consideration for the next fellow. Wisdom of the wilderness. How can we convince them of how good it used to be... and is in some places... and can be? 'With love' he answered 'and peace within.'"
"A magic mecca in the woods - fine winter wonderland - so welcome. Thanks!! Kevin Saunders, Amanda Romig, Dec. 26 84"
"A nice spot to stop, this. Thanks to all for providing it. Ying Wu, Seattle, 12/26"
"The hut sure is as beautiful as it ever was! Kathleen Grimbley, Seattle"
"A real outstanding nook in the woods. Thanks and we have to come back next season. Don + Lynda Mollick and group 1-12-85"
"Can't we afford to construct a series of cabins? Nice destination vs. snow cave."
"Can we afford to build another? This one was built by citizens at no cost to the government! Another is planned. Jack Hughes, 16 Jan 85"
"Hut is very homey. Hank Shelgrove, Port Townsend Jan. 20, 1985"
"Oh what a shame to leave here. Brian, Ev, Jean + Steve, Victoria B.C."
"I think this cabin is the best thing in the world! I'm sure everyone agrees. BDK + 9 of us."
"This cabin is great! R - '84"
"Like totally twitchin' hut - Alyn -"
"I have been dreaming about this place for days. Chuck Hasty"
"We love this little hut! Patty G."
"We love this hut! It's nic to be warm. Cindy Johansen, 6 Reachout Girls from Anacortes, Feb. 27, 1985"
"The hut's great. Robin Dursch"
"This hut was a sight for sore eyes. Who ever built this hut is our friend forever. Anacortes Polar Bear Expedition 3/7/85"
"Ah, another glorious trip to the wonderful ski hut! Decided last night was our 5th time to the hut. How lucky we are! Pat Burkhardt + Annette Jenard 3/10/85"
"I've been waiting years for this. James Applegate 316/85"
"This hut is something I thought one only dreamed of. We've been scheming about such a trip since summer '83 in far-off Maine. We made it! Spent 3 fabulous days and nights here. Randi Freeman, David Freiband, Missoula MT, 3/19/85"
"Joy, Rapture, I give it 4 stars. Steve Fram, Michigan, 20 Mar '85"
"This is a beautiful place, cozy hut, great company, wonderful ranger. Thanks loads, Janet, Sue, Ann Arbor, MI. 20 Mar 95"
"This hut is clean and very cozy. Enjoying the feeling of snowbound security. L. Davis, H. Snelgrove, Nordland, March 29, '85"
"What a beautiful hut! Snowshoeing in, this hut was a wonderful (read 'warm') surprise. Doug Hamilton, Minnesota"
"The peace and stillness of the ski hut and the mountains in winter is a balm for the spirit - ahhh... Pat Burkhardt, Dec 27, 1985"
"This hut has been greatly appreciated by all. Friday Harbor Polar Bear Expedition of 6, Feb 3-7, 1986"
"Wonderful hut, all the comforts of home. Michelle + Mike Bray, March 22, 1986"
"From Grand Valley, up Badger valley, the snow hid the trail. Under cornice... postholing 3-4 feet through a lot of it... extremely dangerous and exhausting. Thank God for this cabin. Robert Paul, Glenn Johnson, Gavin Rowley, May 20-22, 1986"
"Praise the Park Service for finally lifting the closure and opening the road to snow level, instead of having to walk six miles of bare pavement, as has been the case for most of the past five weeks. dave mckee, 7 Dec 1986"
"This little hut is a life-saver! Enjoy. Eric McDonald, Jan 22, 1987"
"Hope all enjoy the hut because there's not too many around, Carmen Olivarez 1-22-87"
"All eleven of us are in the hut. Very comfortable + warm in the hut. January 24, 1987"
"We hold the record - 10 packed into the hut - this sure beats tents! Barbara"
"We had to walk 12.9 miles from Heart O'the Hills because the road was closed. Anacortes Polar Bear Expedition of 8, Feb '87"
"19 Oct 87 - Hut work party - group will earn a weekend trip here this winter by splitting and stacking wood for winter. Jack Hughes"
"J H opening hut for the season. Plows working on 10 ft drifts! Jack Hughes, 17 Dec 1987"
"Congratulations on building a great HUT! Phil, Sheila, Peter Costain, Carmel, CA 12/29/87"
Coupeville Polar Bear Expedition of 7, 1-27-88.
Anacortes Polar Bear Expedition, 2-24-88.
"What an awesome place you people have built here. Bill Ell 3-12-88"
"This hut is tres cool. What a project. S. Case, 3/12/88"
"Marvelous abode in the mountains. Our marriage thanks the builders of this hut that we didn't have to build a snow cave. Sabor & Susan Benda, Montana, 5/3/88"
"Thanks everyone for taking such good care of the hut. This was, I believe, its 20th year and your good care of it may allow it another 20! For those who don't know or have forgotten, the hut was designed, built and placed here thru the efforts of people like John Swedstedt, Nils Lingvall, John Siemens, Bob Allman, Ed Hopfner, O. Kintner, Eric Burr + of course Jack Hughes. 5-7-88 Kelsey Redlin + Bill Kintner"
"4 Oct 1989 - Jack Hughes + Janet Kailin Rangers - hauling in new stove"
"6 Jan 1990 - Jack Hughes, ranger, new stove pipe + roof jack - donated"
"6 Jan 90 - Colby age 5, Jordan age 8, Jim, John Siemens"
"We've got 16 in the cabin. Nice place to share. Joe + Carter Breslin, Port Townsend, 1-13-90"
Log ends 6-13-90. Logs 1990-2012 were not deposited in Park archives.
Photo from Winter 2012 Patagonia Catalog |